Friday, December 6, 2013

LIGHT . . .

Finally . . . after so many iterations of this theme . . . I've finally created a light that looks as I might want it, but is still lacking in a number of things due to cost constraints. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Art Brut

One of my favorite artists is the French artist Jean Dubuffet . . . much of his work I like, but I find the fact he was so taken with "outsider" art remarkable. There are no obvious rules in outsider art and it's created as a spontaneous expression of the artist and out of some necessity their minds demand.

One blog which seems to take an interest in outsider works is

Image by Ganesh Jogi found on

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Started reading Andrei Codrescu's "whatever gets you through the night." Found it so interesting that the two brothers, both kings who both killed their wives for their sexual dalliances, have themselves large harems. Love and duplicity. . . where does it get us?